Friday, September 5, 2014

Calling Contributors and Sellers for our Yard Bazaar!

Wow, what an opportunity  for me to down size  and sell off the piles of DVD's and audio books and knickity knacks . I have been wondering what  to do with the three desk lamps I have somehow acquired.  Students want a printer??? And so on. Want to join in? Read the letter below.

Dear Joan, 
Northern Woman’s Bookstore will hold a Yard Bazaar on Saturday, September 27th (rain date Sunday, Sept. 28).
Time: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Where? In the parking lot of the Northern Woman’s Bookstore, with a few tables inside the store available. 

Bring your own table, suitcase, blanket, clothes rack, etc. to display your wares. Spaces are $10, with a few inside tables available for $20. The cost goes to helping the NWB. We are planning to replace the flooring in the store. After paying for your spot, the proceeds of what you sell are yours.

What to Sell? Second-hand goods, crafts, art, vintage, baking, plants, books, and so on.
If you would like to donate quality used goods for the Yard Bazaar with the proceeds going to NWB, please drop them off the morning of the sale before 10:30 a.m. Items not sold will be donated to the Salvation Army.

To reserve your spot, send an email to the Bookstore at or to Taina Chahal at or drop down in person during our store hours. Pay for your spot the morning of the Yard Bazaar. All sellers should have their spot set up by 10:30 a.m. If you have any questions, please contact Taina.

Northern Woman's Bookstore
65 South Court Street
Thunder Bay, Ontario  P7B 2X2
Phone (807) 344-7979
Store hours: Wednesdays - Saturdays, 11 am - 4 pm

Visit us online!

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